Monday, June 26, 2006

Fieldwork, apartment, courage

Today I decided to reformulate my project proposal!
From now on the focus will be on how the alliance between the Maoists and the political parties could happen. Earlier I wanted to focus on the Maoist uprising, but after reading some books and finding out that the subject is covered in depth already, I decided to focus on something more recent. So from now on I'll rush around interviewing political parties and studying their documents and statements. Finally some direction and clarity. Of course, my supervisor is yet to comment on this course of events, but hopefully, the reply from Tromso will be positive.

I also went to check out an apartment complex in Thamel today. They have apartments with cable TV, kitchen, fridge and balcony for only slightly more than I pay living in random hostels. I'm moving in tomorrow and are really looking forward to getting a semi-permanent place where I can install myself. The system of packing all my belongings in one heap at the hostel is now going to the scrapheap of history.

Just read on VG that Frp considers it cowardience not to throw out the Afghan refugees. When all else fails, what's better than to appeal to traditional values of courage and boldness?
I can already picture how Per Willy Amundsen sees himself as the strong man with the courage to throw out all the bandits and terrorists from Norway. I also look forward to future FRP slogans branding themselves as the only party with the courage to take a stand against degeneration of christian values, world communism and the worldwide terrorist conspiracy.
Infact, I'm gonna give the FRP some good slogans for free, because I dare.

FRP for the common man, because we dare!
Dont' be a hippie, vote FRP!
Don't be a fag, vote FRP!
Vote neoliberalist, or be a terrorist!
Vote christian-right, or prepare to fight!

And as a special pamphlet to be distributed to minority groups:
Vote Siv, or leave!

Until next time, stay bold.

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