Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Hunt for Decadency

Welcome back. I have been visiting the Nepali countryside for the last week, and therefore not updated the blog.
But, today I will, and what better than to tell about my research in the Nepali casino scene. As I am currently writing an article about the Maoists, I was trying to find some real rich and decadent people to get their views on the Maoist insurgency. And what better place to look for decadency than among Nepals half a dozen casinos?
The first casino of the day bore the name Casino Royale (true!) and here I met mr. Chobang who was in charge of human resource management at the casino. We sat down and he immediately asked if I wanted a beer. While I was determined not to let simple bribery come in the way of my research, I also had to consider the fluid level of my body, and therefore agreed to this friendly proposal. But under the interview if suddenly became clear to me that mr. Chobang was not the decadent evil rich man I had hoped. He said that the Maoists had done a great job in raising political awareness in the countryside, and that he supported all of their demands. But what he didn't like was their methods, so therefore he would've voted for the Marxist Leninist party if there was an election now. The manager at the casino voting marxist leninist. Who would've thought?
After this I decided to go to some more casinos to find a rich man who could say stuff like : "If people are poor, it's their own fault." and stuff like that. But no. All reasonable people in the casino industry in Nepal. After an unknown number of free beers, I finally gave in and bought chips for 3000 Nepali Rupee. At casino tara. When I left six hours later, drunk and happy, the casino people drove me home.
To conclude this groundbraking piece of research, I'll just say that:
Ask not for whom decadence rings, for it rings for thee..

au revior

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