Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Rant over US policy while drinking a beer, sitting in my underwear

One of the news headlines in Nepal these days is the advice given from the American ambassadour in Kathmandu, James Moriarty. He is advicing the Koirala, the Prime Minister, on how to deal with the Maoists as a negotiation counterpart. At first glance, this appears quite innocent as far as foreign affairs of the US goes. But let us stop for a minute, and place this oh so friendly advice under closer scrutiny.Mr. Moriarty is a man in his mid-40s, at least that's my unqualified, news-photo-informed guess. Koirala on the other hand is, again based on my poorly informed guessing, a man in his mid 80s, going for 90. So what the hell is this yankee doing giving advice to someone who fought the King with gun in hand even before mr. Moriarty could spell "diplomatic coctailparty"?Is this a manifestation of the shadowy concept "strategic interest"?
I guess one could say that, but why not call a spade for a dung-shovel and call it imperialism? Why? Because that's what it is. Of course, some of you might already be raising your finger and saying "Well (note: in a Bill Hicks kind of voice), the US have done some good things for the world, if it weren't for the US, we would not have our freedom."And when did this growing consensus that the US have preserved our freedom develop? When was it that the US stopped the rabid barbarians at our borders? The cold war? Without the mighty NATO and the US, the russkies would have invaded and deported us all to Siberia? Correct me if I'm wrong, but is Sweden a member of NATO, is Finland?Was it the second world war then? Would we all have been speaking German if the US hadn't defeated the axis only with the help of an atom-bomb and captain america? I dunno. You tell me.
So, imperialism then...what to do? I for one, am open for suggestions. In the meantime I'll have a Tuborg. Drinking beer brewed for Danish royalty in Nepal where the people are fighting to end the autocrathic palace rule...I don't know. Can you do that?I cross my fingers that until next post I can.
Stay sober(ML!)


Silje said...

May imperialism eventually suffer a slow and painful death and never again rise from the dirty stinky mud where it belongs. I see it all over the place over here and it makes me so sick and mad I cannot even get myself to finish the Tuborg I've stored in the fridge for beautiful evenings on the roof. How can you possibly enjoy beautiful evenings when the world's damned superpower holds up the green light for Israel to starve out 1,4 million people (while bombing them as well) just some kilometres away. Fuck it! I'm all for non-violence, but in the case of imperialism I think we should make an exception and grab it by its neck, hold it there and squeeze it slowly till it chokes and dies and eventually disappears into a stinky dirt hole.

So far my suggestion.

Dr. J said...

My Comrade!
I liked your earlier notice revolution as a teeparty. I guess Mr. Galtung or even Mr. Vambheim are green with envy for this great scientefitic discovery. Can I quote that in my thesis? Just put that to some footnote "btw".

What comes about your concern for Finland's membersship in Nato (that imperialist scum)as far as I know we are not there. Well I have been drinking a couple days so it just could change.

Be a good commie and remember old slogan? "The Revelution is comming: Do you have a gun?".

The Finnish Maoistic Party (TFiMP)