Monday, July 10, 2006

Meeting the Captain

Yesterday, as I was on the way to my apartment to celebrate my birthday in silent solitude, I picked up a copy of the cartoon "Tin-Tin in Tibet". I haven't read Tin-Tin since I was a kid, and re-discovering it was a grand experience indeed. Much of this has to do with the series only superhero, captain Haddock. The captain always wears his captain hat, walks around in captain clothes and swears a lot. But in addition to this, he posesses one superhuman quality. Namely his body's capability to consume enormous amounts of alcohol without getting hung over. No place is this more clearly seen than when Tintin (how the hell is TinTin written anyway?), captain Haddock and three sherpas pack their backpacks to climb the mountains from Nepal to Tibet. Tintin and the sherpas unsurprinsingly enough stock up on mountaineering gear and food, but after turning the page, one can see the captain filling his backpack with nothing except twelve bottles of whisky. Twelve bottles which he in turn proceeds to consume on their way to Tibet, in altitudes of 4-5000meters above sea level. And hungover? Not once. Remarkable, to say the least. So from now on, Haddock is one of the top superheroes of all time, at least on my list. Along with Captain America, the Hulk and Bill Hicks.

Stay with us for more updates from the roof of the world.

1 comment:

Scott D. Meyer said...

I have another great super hero for you. Check out Ze Frank. He has a hilarious video blog with a variety of random songs, commentaries, and hilarious stuff. Check out "earth sandwich" and others:

PS- Happy Belated Birthday!